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Italtex Trends - Italian expertise in fabric and colour fashion trends.

Power your textile creativity

Find the inputs you need to create a beautiful sellable collection.

Power your textile creativity

Find the inputs you need to create a beautiful sellable collection.

Power your textile creativity

Find the inputs you need to create a beautiful sellable collection.

Power your textile creativity

Find the inputs you need to create a beautiful sellable collection.

Fabric Trends Specialists
Our Offer
Each season we select the most inspiring inputs for you, then divide them into fifteen specific Trend Books containing hundreds of textile swatches each, so you can choose what's best for you, save time and rely on our expertise.
For our Fashion Trends, we further select the material of the books and put it together in mood boards available in a virtual form - for sustainable trends delivery.
The Textile Technical Books are mainly the result of careful selection from our vast textile library and contain all key technical data.
Over 60 years of experience and evolution reliability, flexibility, skills
from Italtex Blog
Latest Trends