Italtex Macrotrends Spring/Summer 2023
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Men's and Women's Wear
As the Metaverse is defined as the future of the internet - a shared 3D universe that users can exist in perpetually - and more of our lives are spent online, it's becoming harder and harder to distinguish real life from life lived virtually.
Therefore, materials and colours have a digital approach also in "real" life, as consumers are getting used to animated fruition.
The boom of the game market and the metaverse have an impact on the way we perceive colours. Acid lime shades go from casualwear to eveningwear, fitting every occasion.
Versatility becomes the key word of the new formal dressing. The emphasis has moved from fine and formal tailoring to a more relaxed and everyday kind of look. A more easy going formalwear takes shape in reinvented classic patterns appealing to a younger market.
Focus on calming colours, as consumers are looking for reassurance - a cosy feeling that embraces design with a cocooning effect. Fresh pastel tones work across genders and categories, speaking to a young market.
The pandemic has accelerated some trends that were already emerging. Embracing nature has become a priority. We witness a time when humans will reconnect consciously, purposefully and rationally with the world around them. This process involves using natural and biodegradable fabrics, harmonious, calm, herbal colour shades.
Orange take a stance from the 70's Hippy style, becoming a versatile colour and highlighting young consumers' desire to wear more elegant outfits moving away from sportswear.
The whole trend is available at the Italtex MacrotrendsSpring/Summer 2023.
Italtex is the Italian trend studio based in Biella, specializing in colour and fabric fashion trends since 1959. We provide all fashion professionals with the latest fabric trends: colours, constructions, fibres, patterns and finishes.